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Below is a list of account names that have recieved some kind of award, won a contest or raffle, or received random or full payouts. These users listed are deserving of special recognition. (All times are GMT)

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Reward Date


xiaomingdong2007-10-19 03:14:25Contest PTC Winner!
clickcontest2007-10-15 22:49:00Spooky Little Click Contest #1 Click Contest: 1. kissnntell - 113 clicks ( 1st place 0.25 cents ) 2. hcps99116 - 107 clicks ( 2nd place 250 points ) 3. destiny - 106 clicks ( 3rd place 25 points )
fanfuzd2007-10-14 05:40:16Contest PTC Winner!
kissnntell2007-10-09 00:40:20Contest PTC Winner!
clickcontest2007-10-05 03:29:11End of Sept. Big Click Contest Results: 1. fascinatrix - 1,204 clicks ( 1st place 0.80 cents ) 2. kissnntell - 1,199 clicks ( 2nd place 0.50 cents ) 3. ovoroshilova - 984 clicks ( 3rd place 0.25 cents ) 4. cnwz4 - 918 clicks ( 4th place 0.10 cents ) 5. marty888 - 696 clicks ( 5th place 0.05 cents ) 6. yanzl - 688 clicks ( 6th place 0.05 cents ) 7. dewey - 616 clicks ( 7th place 0.05 cents ) 8. xiaomingdong - 588 clicks ( 8th place 0.05 cents ) 9. zysky58 - 561 clicks ( 9th place 0.04 cents ) 10. advieweyb - 559 clicks ( 10th place 0.03 cents ) 11. fanfuzd - 521 clicks ( 11th place 0.02 cents ) 12. bsbteng - 506 clicks ( 12th place 0.02 cents ) 13. melaniekayp - 443 clicks ( 13th place 0.02 cents ) 14. fuxsiovas - 441 clicks ( 14th place 0.01 cents ) 15. ab000001 - 427 clicks ( 15th place 0.01 cents ) 16. lifang22 - 405 clicks ( 16th place 500 points ) 17. guobao - 404 clicks ( 17th place 250 points ) 18. wwto456 - 400 clicks ( 18th place 100 points ) 19. stcyg - 383 clicks ( 19th place 100 points ) 20. windywu288 - 365 clicks ( 20th place 50 points ) Great Job Everyone! :)
yanzl2007-10-05 03:28:18Contest PTC Winner!
siriina2007-09-29 18:13:49Contest PTC Winner!
zlz722007-09-25 19:54:04Contest PTC Winner!
mahmah2006-11-10 04:50:53Halloween Trivia winner
cjiinhoff2006-11-10 04:50:22Halloween Trivia winner
joshlenn2006-10-11 17:44:46Contest ptc winner
acehi2006-10-02 20:14:44Contest ptc winner
racfifi2006-10-02 20:14:19Contest ptc winner
desk2006-10-02 20:13:46Contest ptc winner
ab0000012006-10-02 19:55:17Click contest winner 1,461 clicks (6th Place 50 points)
ovoroshilova2006-10-02 19:54:35Click contest winner 1,483 clicks (5th Place 100 points)
acehi2006-10-02 19:53:47Click contest winner 1,710 clicks (4th Place 250 points)
graziella2006-10-02 19:52:53Click contest winner 1,793 clicks (3rd Place .10 cents cash)
chenfeng2006-10-02 19:52:11Click contest winner 3,260 clicks (2nd Place .25 cents cash)
racfifi2006-10-02 19:51:22Click contest winner 4,218 clicks (1st Place .50 cents cash)
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